Travel Selfie Tips – 4 Ways to Master Them

travel sefie tips

Travel Selfie Tips – 4 Ways to Master Them

If you want to travel, and explore everything around you, take advantage of the short, long, and super long weekends. And, whether shooting a group selfie or a lonesome one, get inspired by these 4 simple travel selfie tips and never make yourself go unnoticed when taking travel selfies.

travel sefie tips










1) Strike a Pose
Stand tall, stand out, stand beautifully while enjoying the scenic beauty. Get the perfect posture, height and the stance and swing for the perfect click! But don’t forget people are more interested in the scenic beauty around you, so it’s better to capture a wide view.

2) Pout Out Loud
A red pout is difficult to miss, even in a gaggle of girls. Pout, air kiss and away. Add a touch of gloss to stand out with a flash. Guys, you can also join to add a bit more fun to the click with friends. No doubt, travel selfies are so much fun.

3) Never Be Disrespectful
There are some places in the world, where you should never take a selfie like holocaust sites, places where accidents happened i.e World Trade Centre memorial, or anything that was a reason of lose to the humanity.

4) Join the Smiles of Locals
This will not only add an unforgettable chapter to your book of travel memories, but would also enable you to learn much more about the place. One golden rule, you simply can’t miss while posing with local kids, is to take permission first before taking the selfie from their parents/ guardians you are with.

Taking travel selfies is the new “IN THING” nowadays but, there are some sites that require you to keep your cameras, smart phones aside, take a deep long breath and enjoy the beautiful moment to the fullest. Keep travelling!


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