How to get free train tickets from Indian Railways? check these details

How to get free train tickets from Indian Railways? check these details
How to get free train tickets from Indian Railways? check these details

Railway: If you are fond of traveling, here is a free trick that will be available through Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) or State Bank of India (SBI) card. IRCTC offers free train tickets through State Bank of India card. IRCTC announced on its website, ‘Introducing IRCTC SBI Platinum Card. The only credit card that gives you free train tickets… IRCTC SBI Card is brought to you.

According to IRCTC, the IRCTC SBI Platinum Card offers 350 reward points, 1.8 percent transaction charges waiver, 2.5 percent fuel surcharge waiver, and over 10 percent value back on Indian Railways bookings.

Benefits of IRCTC SBI Platinum Card

On AC1, AC11, CC bookings, customers can avail up to 10 percent value back with the IRCTC Platinum Card at

Customers can also avail a 1.8 percent discount on transaction charges every time they book their ticket with the IRCTC SBI Platinum Card.

Customers can also shop, travel, dine with the IRCTC SBI Platinum Card. They can also earn one reward point for every Rs 125 spent on non-fuel retail purchases including Indian Railway ticket purchases on These earned points can be redeemed for railway train ticket purchase on

On fuel purchases of Rs 500 to Rs 3,000 (excluding GST and other charges) with the IRCTC SBI Platinum Card, customers can avail 2.5 per cent transaction fee discount across all petrol pumps.

According to IRCTC, customers can earn 1 reward point for every Rs 125 spent on retail purchases including railway ticket purchases on


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